We believe every follower of Christ and member of a church should have a place to serve. So much joy comes from using the gifts God has given you to serve others! Whether you are a child, teenager, adult, or senior adult, there are places for you to serve.

Here are some opportunities and places to serve:

  • Food Distribution - Every month, we gather on the 2nd Saturday of the month at 8/8:30 in the front parking to hand out food to those in need in our community. This is a great service opportunity for the whole family to do together!
  • Children's Ministry - We need everything from substitute Sunday School teachers and helpers to children church volunteers and Wednesday night leaders. Kids will adore you and you will get an hour or two of great stories and laughs all while helping young kids know about Jesus.
  • Nursery Workers - We could use some helpers that love babies and toddlers during Sunday morning and Wednesday nights. You could volunteer on a biweekly, monthly, or even quarterly basis. 
  • Lawncare Volunteers - If you would like to be in the rotation for people taking care of the church's lawncare on an as needed basis, that would be greatly appreciated.
  • Drivers - We always are in need of drivers for people to get to church, places around town, and Dr.'s appointments. If you are willing to drive, please contact the church office so they can put you on a list to contact.
  • Maintenance - If you have gifts in this area and would like to serve on the maintenance team to help as needed around the church, please contact the church office.
  • Adopt a Soccer Player - We partner with CBC's soccer team. We ask church members to "adopt" a soccer player which means supporting them, taking them for meals, letting them do laundry, and being their home away from home at times as they are all international players.
  • Social Media Helper - If you are gifted in this area, we could use someone to help keep our Instagram, website, and Facebook up to date with events. 
  • Music - If you are gifted with instruments or vocals, reach out to Chuck Knowlton and he will connect you with ways to use your talents during church.
  • Benevolence - If you would like to bake or help provide meals for funerals or people who are recently released from the hospital or similar situations, please contact Sheila Webb. The church office can also give you the information.
  • Welcome Team - If you would like to help people feel at home at our church, this is for you on Sunday mornings on a rotation.